Fast track to tests & questions

What you will find in this section on fast track to tests & questions

  • Quick access to a whole range of questions for tests and/or homework
  • Multiple choice questions arranged in tests of 20 questions for every topic on the core and AHL content.
  • Practice Paper 1 exams for both SL and HL.
  • Quizzes arranged by sub-topic with 10 questions for every sub-topic on the core and AHL content
  • Quizzes arranged by sub-topic with 10 questions for each of the four options at both SL and HL
  • Paper 2 type short-answer questions for each and every sub-topic on the core and AHL content and on the options with fully worked answers
  • Paper 3 Section A data response and experimental work questions with fully worked answers.
  • Printable (pdf) versions of all the short-answer questions and their fully worked answers


links to all the sub-topic quizzes can be found in fast track

This page is essentially to save you time so that you can immediately find and go straight to any of the quizzes, short-answer questions or multiple choice topic tests that are located elsewhere on the site (e.g. in each particular sub-topic under Teaching each topic and sub-topic etc.) All of the quizzes and short-answer questions also include worked answers. If you set them for your students as assignments the quizzes will be marked automatically and the marks added to your markbook.

For those who for one reason or another do not use or cannot use student access all the short-answer questions each with a separate page containing all the worked answers are also available in pdf format so you can download them for use. 

an example of part of one of the pdf files containing the questions
a separate page containing the answers can also  be downloaded

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