Live your dreams

Monday 13 January 2014

I've just added a new section to the website called "New IA starting 2014". Don't worry it doesn't start yet but will be starting with the next group of students you teach. I have decided to create the pages live so you can see what is planned starting with an example of a student investigation. My students are pretty keen but not keen enough to do 10 hour investigations just so I have material for my website, so I have had to do the samples myself. Maybe I should have pretended that the IA had already changed, then they would have done it. Doing the investigations gives a good insight into what we are asking our students to do so the experience has been worthwhile.The first of my offerings is an investigation into the lens makers equations. I thought of this one the other day and then kept dreaming about it. Thought it might stop the dreams if I actually did it and it seems to have worked. I'm not sure that I'll be trying this method with my other dreams though.

It's a corker
11 Jan 2014