Chasing creativity in Biology Lessons

Sunday 22 September 2013

After a recent workshop on differentiation, where we looked at nurturing creativity to enhance differentiation, an art teacher said to me,

"It is important to remember that creativity is a set of behaviours. These will already be evident in your lessons for the top end students.  Please don’t go looking for ‘creative’ activities in your lessons. 
Perhaps, instead, consider where students have opportunities to practice:

  • Curiosity   Research tasks, e.g.  finding out obout organelle structure and function, using microscopes, is a moss cell bigger than a human cell experiment, in fact all experiments with a real hypothesis, where there is something to find out.
  • Divergent thinking I guess this is were there is more than one possible correct way of doing something.  It could happen when students are evaluating their views about gene technologies for example.
  • Making connections Perhaps I should give more time to this, but I try to make connections between different topics, eg. structure of proteins, enzyme function, and membrane bound proteins in respiration.
  • Learning from others When students do short presentations and others make notes, when students help each other doing practical work, and when using ICT, excel.
  • Visualisation Using plastercine, or pipe cleaners, or molymod for chemical structures
  • Conceptual thinking ??
  • Risk Taking This is more about creating a safe environment in which students can make mistakes.
  • Persistence" Yes, some students need more of this than others.

These are just my first thoughts..........  watch this space.