IB Updates

Friday 27 March 2020

Updated 30 March 2020 (see below)

It is important to know and follow the official announcements from the IB about how the current pandemic affects the cancelled examination session in May 2020.

This can be found at https://www.ibo.org/news/news-about-the-ib/covid-19-coronavirus-updates/ and details how exam grades will be awarded and also gives details about the November 2020 examination session which currently is still scheduled to go ahead.

In addition the IB has also released a helpful pdf document with information and advice about distance learning which covers all three of the IB programmes, DP, MYP and PYP.

It is well worth regularly checking the ibo.org website to keep up to date with developments.

Latest update about IAs

The IB has now (30 March 2020) issued information about what is required to be sent via IBIS regarding IAs.