Delivering distance learning

Monday 4 May 2020

In these unprecedented Covid-19 times schools in some countries are beginning to reopen whereas in other parts of the world they remain firmly closed. Different countries have different experiences of how effective the teaching and learning experience is during school closures. In the UK for example students who do not possess their own devices capable of accessing the internet and those in homes where the internet connection is slow or non-existent have been severely disadvantaged and there is concern that about 25% of those in Year 12 (equivalent to the first year of the Diploma programme) have had no teaching at all.  For our IB students it is crucial that they have the best possible on-going learning experience during these difficult times.

The Royal Society of Chemistry has produced some excellent articles giving advice, information and resources to help teachers deliver distance learning.  The latest edition of Education in Chemistry (May 2020) includes resources for students in the age range of 11 to 18 and activities for practical work. It also gives useful tips on giving valuable feedback remotely and advice on how to communicate efficiently with parents, students and colleagues. It also has an interesting article on how long the Covid-19 virus can survive on different surfaces.. I’m pleased that so many IB chemistry teachers are making use of my website during the lockdown as it meets many, if not all, of the tips on feedback given by the RSC. For example all the relevant information required to cover the syllabus for each IB sub-topic is given in the slide gallery, students are encouraged to think critically using “Something to think about” and the quizzes and questions all provide the relevant feedback as the answers are thoroughly explained so students can actively learn from the mistakes they make. Teachers can set assignments with the marks automatically transferred to their mark book and can then give digital feedback direct to each student. If you have not already signed your students up to Student Access then I really encourage you to do so as it will open a huge bank of resources that they can access digitally either during your scheduled remote lesson time or at any other time of their own choosing.