
Monday 15 April 2013

I was listening to a radio programme at the weekend, Actually, I had other things to do; this was just me procrastinating. In the programme, the writer, Håkan Nesser, was discussing his life in exile from his native Sweden. Nesser lives in London. Prior to moving to London, Nesser lived in New York for a couple of years, and in the programme he speaks glowingly about Americans and his time living in the US. One of the things he likes about America is NPR - National Public Radio. I try, but often fail, to listen to the weekly broadcast of This American Life. In the last year or so, This American Life has had a few very interesting broadcasts about life in American schools, and on education more generally.

Just yesterday, a young colleague of mine sent me a a link to a new NPR blog, dedicated entirely to the the issue of codeswitching, or code-switching if you prefer. The blog looks great, and is a treasure trove of material for Part 1 of the Language and Literature course. Thanks for the link, Cassie.

Tags: Part 1