All About the Learner Portfolio

Thursday 25 April 2019

This week, I've put my time and energy into thinking about how to help you with the learner portfolio.  I’ve posted a bunch of different resources to help you get your head around it and I hope you find it useful. 

You’ll find a quick introduction to the learner portfolio (here), a list of possible ways to format the learner portfolio with links to the digital tools (here), and a worksheet you can pass out to students to help them with what is expected (here).

Do know that at the very least, we will publish something new every Thursday by the end of the day (UK time) and we aim to give you much, much more. You can expect in the months of May, June and July to get:

  1. more specific and explicit resources, texts, and teaching materials for the new course;
  2. assessment exemplars including student examples of the individual oral;
  3. and more clarification about the course itself – the areas of exploration, the concepts, the global issues and all the other requirements set forth by the IB.

We appreciate your support and we continue to encourage you to reach out to us if you have any questions about the new (or old) course.  We think this is one of the best features of the site – your ability to ask questions and our ability to quickly respond – and we hope that you continue to stick with us as we all grapple with the changes the new syllabus has to offer.   



Tags: Tim, learner portfolio, new course, 2021 exams