
Thursday 10 October 2019

This week, I've been working on updating the March for Our Lives materials we have on InThinking.  In updating the materials, I've added two bodies of work: five speeches from Emma Gonzalez and four public service announcements leading up to the actual demonstration.  There's a variety of ways to teach a body of work and they all don't have to be intense drill and kill (like what we might have done with the old IOC literary works).  Instead, you can be creative in how you present the information to students and they can be creative in how they interact with the materials.  

Finally, here's a quick guide to the various bodies of work we have already published on the site as an easy go-to guide as you build and create your course.

1.  Michelle Obama speeches

2.  Nike advertisements

3.  Barbara Kruger art

4.  Sara Rahbar art

5.  #MeToo public service annoucements

6.  The Atlantic articles written by Caitlin Flanagan about gender and #MeToo

7. Documentary - Surviving R. Kelly (Please not that it is only a suggestion and we don't have the actual documentary on the site.  Do also note that it is quite explicit).

8. FactCheck.org - website that tackles fake news

9. IFLA - website that tackles fake news

We will keep adding resources and bodies of work as the academic year progresses and we will continue to support you as best we can with timely materials that you can use in your classroom.



Tags: Tim, March for Our Lives, Bodies of Work