1 October: 70th Anniversary of Chinese Revolution

Monday 30 September 2019

1 October is the 70th Anniversary of the Chinese Revolution

As we discussed in September's blog, this is a great opportunity for a discussion of the signficance of the Revolution - both with history and non-history students.

Here is an account of 1 October 1949 from one particpant in the day's events on the BBC's Witness History site.

The day China became communist (BBC News)

On 1 October 1949 Chairman Mao Zedong announced the creation of the People's Republic of China

And more information about the celebrations themselves and the context against which these celebrations are taking place are discussed here.

History students could also be set the following inquiry based task:

Research how different regions are reporting the anniversary of the Chinese revolution. (You could split this up so different groups look at different regions/countries.)

Compare and contrast how different regions/governments/ideologies are reporting this event - what different perspectives on the Chinese revolution can you identify?

How are current events relating to China impacting on how the revolution is being reported?

On a broader theme.....

Which other countries can identify a specific date for the 'birth' of their nation?

How are such dates commemorated in these countries and to what purpose?