Tools & Resources

We are so pleased to be connected to teachers around the world on social media right now. It is such an incredible source of inspiration, tools and resources. I thought it might be useful just to make a straightforward list of those with links and the briefest of descriptions below in case it helps. I know I am already benefitting from reading other peoples lists. This list is incomplete, but everytime we hit something new we will put it it here. Now , as much as ever, we are thinking about the variety experiences that students can have and the tools/resources we have out our disposal to make that posisble. All the below play a part in the balanced approach we will try to offer.

This quick summary overview of "live video/screen sharing" audio & chat etc. software may be helpful (please leave a comment below if you have additional information - providing a link to explain the additional functionality you mention/have found useful):

Microsoft Teams

Amazing - the tool so few people knew about such a short time ago, apparently crashed on Monday morning (16th march) because European schools went online! As ever, nothing is perfect, but fair play to a tool that went from new to daily so quickly and effectively. Wow. Warning: students can unmute themselves (and mute the teacher!). To change this:Teams automatically makes all participants of a team meeting 'presenters' - which gives them power to speak, mute others etc. It is possible to change this, Click the "..." by the students name, then "Make an attendee" but you can only do this once the meeting has begun. If you want a student to speak or present, you have to manually unmute them or change them to 'Presenter'

Google Hangout Meet (gmail acct (free set-up) needed)

Slowly replacing Google Hangouts (which is great too and accessible direct from gmail), Hangout Meet has the added functionalities of: live subtitles as you speak & teacher controls students mics & video and up to 250 people on one call! Getting started video and Scheduling in advance & Share Window only. Warning: students can unmute themselves (but not the teacher) at will . . .


Again, for speed, simplicity and the ability to look at lots of people all at the same time. I will be using this again.

Google docs

Already a huge part of my day to day, this is coming in to its own in the virtual school. Collaborative, live, online workspaces that make a lot of things posisble.


This is a huge suite of websites written for IB teachers. All are freely available at the moment and there will lots and lots of resources that work for different curricular. Specifically, you might make use of this one for Maths Applications/Maths Studies and this one for Maths Higher level and Standard level


Similarly, these freely available virtual teachers are for IB students, but offer lots of useful crossover. Try Maths HL/SL, Maths Applications and Maths Studies. You create an account and then everyting is free.

This site of course is on our list. Hours and hours of varied activity, lots of it is ready made for the virtual school and the rest of it we are adapting as we go!


Worth its virtual weight in virtual gold - I can see me using a lot of this graphing calculator in the virtual school. Create an account, save and share you graphs so that students can manipulate them.

Geogebra and Geogebra Ready-to-go Resources

Geogebra is super powerful! There is so much mathematics you can do with it, so much room for creativity and no limit to how far you can take it (except your own limits!): 3D, Augmented reality etc. For power and easy to use interface (not cluttered) I still prefer "Classic 5" (personally). A vast user community sharing 1000s of new applets every day: (scroll, or 'search', to start sourcing!)

Teacher Desmos

And as if the calculator wasn't enough, these are tailor made for our new virtual world. Well thought through and put together so that dependence on the teacher is minimised on a whole class level, freeing the teacher up to work with smaller groups/individuals. The dashboard allows the teacher to see exactly what is going on. Definitely exciting.


Diagnostic Questions

This site is excellent: set up your classes, assign "quizzes" by topic / revision sets etc. Complex questions (like the frustrums one in this image) are broken down into steps, students type in their thinking and you, as the teacher pool all this (whilst students are taking the quiz(zes)) ready to "share screen" and discuss post test. Many thanks Craig Barton! (FREE and always will be!)


We have always appreciated what a service like MyMaths has over a textbook in terms of self help for students. This is particularly pertinent now. Students can take part in the interactive lessons and get feedback. Teachers can see what students have been up to. We will be using this!


This has been on my radar for a while, but like most of us, time is finite. I have started having a good look at some of this and can definitely see potential and things that I like.


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