51st word for snow

Monday 11 March 2013

I noticed this interesting phenomena on the way home from school. This snow has been around for ages now. Every day the sun comes out and each night it gets really cold, the result is snow with a very hard top layer of ice. What has started to happen is that the snow has started to melt from the bottom up. It seems that the ground, being darker than the snow, absorbs more energy from the sun and warms up quicker than the snow. Heat then conducts in the ground under the snow where it begins to melt it leaving the icy crust. I don't think I've ever seen this before. It only seems to be happening where the ground has been exposed next to the snow, around footprints or next to paths. I wonder if Greenlandics have a word for it, maybe they'll have to invent a 51st. Or is that whole 50 words for snow thing a myth.

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