Hammers cracking nuts (warning new syllabus spoiler)

Tuesday 12 November 2013

I don't have a photo of it because its not there any more but I used to have a sink at the front of my Lab. It wasn't exactly right in front of the SMARTboard but it did get in the way. Last week it got removed so I now have a huge space (feels like it anyway) in front of the board, means I have much more room to move. I can't say that I don't have enough room to swing a cat because I do. Today I did the classic angular momentum demo spinning in my office chair, much better sans sink. I know that angular momentum isn't on the syllabus but it is on the new one so I thought I'd start to practice. Sorry if I've spoiled it for anyone but just couldn't help let slip a nugget from the new subject guide.

Now I have a nice new area to play in maybe its time to tidy up my table. Whilst thinking about doing just that I spotted some plastic springs that I ordered from eBay some time ago. Haven't done much with them so thought it might be an idea to write a new practical for my class. The idea was to use a motion sensor to measure the time period for the oscillation of different numbers of CDs (happened to have some CDs on my table too). I had a play with the set up this evening but realised that there just wasn't any point in using the motion sensor I could measure the time much more easily with a clock. So the new idea is to develop a practical to investigate resonance using the same set up, just have to find a cheap way to drive the oscillation. Oh, resonance curves are in the new syllabus too.