IA: Messy but fun

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Its IA time again at RCN and my lab is piled high with apparatus. At the start of the process I tried to encourage students to put their equipment away but I lost the battle and am now going with the flow. Luckily I don't share my lab with anyone and second years have finished so it's nt affecting anyone else.

The majority of students are finding the practical stage a lot of fun, enjoying turning their initial vague ideas into concrete reality. There are some very interesting investigations going on. In this photo we have

  • Harald, building a lever arm to launch projectiles.
  • Ayca, interfering sound waves.
  • Jacinto, on the length of pendulums in a pendulum wave
  • Pam, refracting waves in a ripple tank

Not in the photo but same class

  • Nils, rate of cooling and surface area.
  • Oliver, induction braking.
  • Mirian, little balls rolling off big balls
  • Alastair, attenuation and angle of entry of light in an optical fibre.

Tags: IA