Starting RQs, dilemmas and SDGs

Exploring the local and global dynamic in the SDGs

Using the Sustainable Development Goals as a context for exploring dilemmas is a great opportunity to explore the dynamic between the local and global. The SDGs have already been identified as ethical issues facing the future of the planet so in these activities students have the chance to consider these in the context of their own learning. This is a good set of activities to explore once students have a solid background in understanding ethics and ethical dilemmas.

Finding the dilemmas in the UN Sustainable Development Goals   

Consider the UN Sustainable Development Goals
This is a good place to start when considering creating questions that make ethical dilemmas clear as they all represent needs in the global community. It's also an opportunity to consider the local connection to these global goals. The key here is to experiment with questions and consider what that question would allow you to explore.

a) Pick one of the SDG that you may have explored in a DP or Career-related subject. (Be open-minded to start with and consider all the subjects you do before narrowing down).
b) Note down any words, issues, ideas, places or events that spring to mind
c) Do some initial research of key words in your local context; zoom in one news story/article that catches your eye.
d) Identify if there is an ethical dilemma at play; is there a conflict of ideas and ethics?
e) Start to play about with questions beginning with 'should'. eg. Should the education system in [insert place] make Climate Action a compulsory part of the curriculum?

Quick fire round: In a group or pair, have students make a decent question using the following topics and identifying potential issues. Allow them two minutes a topic before moving on. Judge responses as a class asking groups to talk through their thinking.

Unification of lone refugee children with family   The use of Artificial Intelligence in academic work
Religion taught (or not taught) in schools            Freedom of religious expression    
Government funded healthcare                           Points-based immigration systems  

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