Subscriber commentsSee all

  • Hi John,Thanks so much for the prompt response. Very clear and so very much appreciated!
  • Dear JoelSince it is still focused on technology and cognition, A would get 1 mark.  If there is no explanation of research methods, then a max of 2 marks for criterion B, assuming that they use appropriate psychological terminology in...
  • Hi John,I have given an exam using the ERQ: Evaluate one method used to study the interaction between technology and cognitive processes. A student has given a response in which it seems they misread the prompt as Evaluate the interaction between...
  • Dear AlishaThey could ask for one, but so far they have not.  It seems like they always ask for "one or more", but I tell my students that there is nothing in the subject guide that guarantees this, so it is best to prepare one method...