The velocity of caviar

Sunday 20 April 2014

Last Christmas I got one of Heston Blumethals kits that combine science with cookery (molecular gastronomy). It's Easter Sunday so we're having lamb for dinner and I thought it would be fun to make some mint flavoured balsamic caviar to go with it. All you do is mix agar-agar with the mint infused vinegar, heat it up then drop it one drop at a time into a tall glass conatining cold oil. The cold oild cools the dropls forming small black balls that resemble caviar. I think the inside is supposed to be liquid but maybe I added to much agar-agar. Watching the spheres drop wthough the liquid I noticed that the velocity was dependent on their diamter. Could be a good investigation / EE. I video a few of them so that I could do some analysis later, unfortunately I (actualy, I can't tell a lie it was my daughter Josie) was holding the camera the wrong way round and I don't know how to fix it, sort of the opposite of vertical video syndrome. Anyway, it makes no difference as far as video analysis goes.

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