Falstad trick for old dogs

Sunday 29 May 2016

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about a neat way that two of my students had devised to draw straight lines in the falstad ripple tank applet well I have found a better way. I've been using this superb applet for about 10 years and have always struggled with straight lines. The situation I want to recreate is a plane wavefront incident on a straight reflector. The line goes straight for a while but I always mess up. well here is how you do it:

Right click at the start of the line and left click at the end.

OK, I can hear everyone saying "didn't you even know that?" Well I didn't but now I do.

Apparently it is actually easier to teach old dogs new tricks than young ones.

Tags: Falstad, ripple tnk

Plums or pla
28 May 2016