Artists and Curating

Creator, Viewer, Curator

This section of the website explores the importance of looking at, responding to and presenting art to the world. The Visual Arts Guide encourages students to become aware of how art is curated and displayed, how artists think and present work as well as make it. Students will consider their own their intentions and views on why and how they make their work as part of their coursework.

It is important to develop this kind of "curatorial thinking" in our students to prepare them to become curators of their own art and to become sensitive to and inquisitive about the way art is presented and communicated.

Explore each section to find the resources you need

Curatorial Practice

discussion of  artist and viewer experience, methods of display, gallery visits and questions, and curating activites. Curatorial practice is a bit of a buzzword lately, with courses and programs in Curatorial Studies offered at Art Colleges and Universities all over the world. The IB, in line with 21st century skills...

Documenting Artwork

An examiner sees only the photograph, not the original work, so make sure the documentation is as good as can beOnce students have completed and selected the works for The Exhibition they will need to...

Methods of Display

For Part 3, The Exhibition students are required to set up and present a selection of work, considering methods of display.assessment objectives:Students need to recognize coherence and connection among...

Finding a Focus

Developing continuity is key to creating a body of work that has unity, rather than a collection of unrelated pieces. All you need to do is look at most great artists and how they relentlessly pursued...

Art Trips and Exhibition Venues

This section takes a look at how to get the most out of Exhibition Visits with resources for Planning an Exhibition Visit and activities/handouts such as Four Ways of Looking at ArtMuseums and galleries...


guidelines, questions and suggestions for group and individual reflections and feedback.Think of the critique as a collaborative experience. It is a group search for visual solutions, for meaning, and purpose and new ideas.IB Art teachers can use the critique as an opportunity for encouraging...

Selected Artists and Shows

Looking at artwork by going to exhibitions or even checking in virtually with what's out there is one of the best ways to get ideas for teaching projects. Discovering artists that are...



Selected Pages

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