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Diploma Subjects

Middle Years Subjects

Teach Cambridge IGCSE? Why not subscribe to our thinkigcse sites for teachers & their classes? We currently offer Cambridge IGCSE Economics, Geography, and History.

Career-related Programme

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For a nervous first-time IB teacher, InThinking was there for me when there wasn't a lot of choice regarding teachers' reference materials. Now 5 years later, I still find myself coming back for teaching ideas and confirmation that I haven't gone crazy!

Timmy Yip, HKCCCU Logos Academy (China)

This is a great resource for IB Physics teachers. I have been using it and will continue using the same in future. The resources of IA are great. I can strongly recommend to any Physics teacher of the world for this site. Thank you for maintaining the...

Arun Mukherjee, International School Of Penang (Uplands) (Malaysia)

InThinking is a great resource for breaking down the information in the new guide. It provides visuals, examples and and facilitates understanding through comprehensive language. It does what we as educators strive to do in our classroom to help our...

Xanthipi Abel, Sturgis Charter School (USA)

I really love that you have so many activities and video that would engage in classes. All the teaching material are ready to use; and the tests and annotated marking of works are super helpful!

Sov Atkinson, Atlantic College (United Kingdom)