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Diploma Subjects

Middle Years Subjects

Teach Cambridge IGCSE? Why not subscribe to our thinkigcse sites for teachers & their classes? We currently offer Cambridge IGCSE Economics, Geography, and History.

Career-related Programme

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As a new IB teacher InThinking has been an invaluable life line. Great ideas, easy to access and gives clarity on the course when I have been feeling overwhelmed. Thank you.

Hannah Payne, Shanghai Community International School (China)

This is a great resource for IB Physics teachers. I have been using it and will continue using the same in future. The resources of IA are great. I can strongly recommend to any Physics teacher of the world for this site. Thank you for maintaining the...

Arun Mukherjee, International School Of Penang (Uplands) (Malaysia)

I have used several of the resources on this site! In addition, the site organization has helped me to better grasp how to organize my coursework... I wish I had more free time to search on the site! I'm grateful that our school paid the subscription...

Kathi Kahoun, Worthington Kilbourne High School (USA)

I have been looking up at the InThinking for BM and I just wanted to say that this resource is so so good. So much of visual stimulation and engaging material. It's got me gripped. I love the way you develop your content. Thanks again for these...

Ruchi Steven, Bunts Sangha S M Shetty International School & Junior College, Mumbai (India)