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Diploma Subjects

Middle Years Subjects

Teach Cambridge IGCSE? Why not subscribe to our thinkigcse sites for teachers & their classes? We currently offer Cambridge IGCSE Economics, Geography, and History.

Career-related Programme

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Incredibly useful resource site - has probably saved me hundreds of hours planning. Plenty of links, worksheets and interactive resources that support the new IB course.

Sarah Jackson, Diocesan School for Girls (New Zealand)

I highly recommend any IB Mathematics teacher who is seeking expert guidance on how best to teach either Standard Level or Higher Level Mathematics in today's classroom to subscribe to the InThinking website. It is an invaluable resource for both...

Mike Murray, Dubai American Academy (United Arab Emirates)

This website allows teachers and students to have more information than just in the textbook and gives them the opportunity to practise IB style questions with each lesson unit. The video links are a great resource and the handouts practical.

Ronan Lynch, Leysein American School (Switzerland)

InThinking is an invaluable resource. It not only provides great information and helpful tools; the mock assessments and problems are incredibly beneficial in making my own mock exams and DP1 final exams.

David Platt, Shen Wai international school (China)