Subscriber commentsSee all

  • 3 June 2024
    Vinita Sharma
    The new Investigation for 2025
      Do we have "New biological term" flashcards or other activities for the new syllabus like the old syllabus?  
  • JabeenGood evening. David has prepared a roadmap of all topics at 
  •  I agree. We are short of resources and has to spend our time looking for resources. As a  paid product, we expect better than this. Almost end of year and we do not have resources for all topics. 
  • 29 May 2024
    Richard Scarr
    The new Investigation for 2025
    NatashaHi. The pupils can include a protocol for the data they are collecting (wise to make it sufficiently different from other candidates), and also how they utilised the data set(s) to extract the data that they analysed. It is not secondary...