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Writing About Data

You've planned your research, collected your data, collated it and analysed it. Now you need to tell the world what you have discovered! It is important that your report tells a cohesive, concise story explaining how you investigated your research question. You should provide sufficient detail so your audience can understand what you did and why you did it.

This section provides advice on how to write about your research and data

Before you start...

Keep in mind...

  • There is no relationship between the amount of time it took you to do something and the amount of space its write-up gets. In your report you should focus on analysis that proves or disproves your hypotheses and hence answers your research question.
  • The more you understand a statistical technique, the easier it is to describe your results … so take the time to make sure you understand what you are doing.
  • A good strategy is to look at other academic texts in your field that report similar analyses for ideas about the exact terminology to use.

See our Top Tips for tables and charts/graphs.

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