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Diploma Subjects

Middle Years Subjects

Teach Cambridge IGCSE? Why not subscribe to our thinkigcse sites for teachers & their classes? We currently offer Cambridge IGCSE Economics, Geography, and History.

Career-related Programme

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This site is such a fantastic one stop shop for IB Math Studies resources. I really appreciate the depth and variety of both materials and ideas offered. The materials that I have tried are thoughtful and engaging for students. I also like the dynamic...

Vern Cedarlund, Eugene (USA)

I highly recommend any IB Mathematics teacher who is seeking expert guidance on how best to teach either Standard Level or Higher Level Mathematics in today's classroom to subscribe to the InThinking website. It is an invaluable resource for both...

Mike Murray, Dubai American Academy (United Arab Emirates)

This site is an outstanding overview of many of the issues that face an IB leader, from leadership itself, to teaching and learning, to the intricacies of the IB. There are many interesting and useful resources to promote reflection and thinking. The...

Jim McConnell, Independent consultant (Canada)

La página de Lengua y Literatura pone a disposición de alumnado y profesorado unos materiales muy valiosos para la preparación de las pruebas, lo que facilita enormemente la labor docente.

Martín Guerrero Domínguez, I.E.S. Padre Luis Coloma (Spain)