Great distance learning guides

How do you 'do' distance learning?


Distance learning is not synonymous with online learning. It often refers to a blended learning approach, with online learning being part of the distance learning package.

Inequities in online learning (access to infrastructure, availability of software, hardware and bandwidth etc) mean that many students and teachers cannot use online learning as their main tool for delivering distance learning.

All of us have been forced by COVID-19 to provide distance learning, including the use of educational technology tools. It is a complex task involving a rethinking of pedagogy and assessment, the professional upskilling of both students and teachers as co-learners, and the development of a well articulated communication strategy to parents who now sit in on all of our classrooms.

Dubai College has produced an excellent guide. As the title says, this is "an evidence informed approach to distance learning", and the back of the guide contains a helpful reference section. Their design of distance learning is grounded in sound pedagogy: for example, the importance of developing collaboration and learning communities on line is rooted in the work of Vygotsky and Wenger. I am very grateful to Dee Saran (Deputy Head: Learning and Teaching) and her colleagues for allowing me to post it on this site.

HundrED have produced a great COVID-19 toolkit. Click HERE. As they say: "This special collection is compiling stories and solutions from schools around the world doing their best for students."

Linked pages

The guide brings together a number of issues that I have written about on different pages of this website.

Lesson design: COVID-19: Online lesson plan 

How do we teach at a distance? Teaching & Learning in the Virtual Classroom  |  Lessons we are learning about teaching and learning online  |  Distance Learning Guide for Teachers 

Assessment online: Assessing online 

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