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Diploma Subjects

Middle Years Subjects

Teach Cambridge IGCSE? Why not subscribe to our thinkigcse sites for teachers & their classes? We currently offer Cambridge IGCSE Economics, Geography, and History.

Career-related Programme

Recommendations more

John Crane provides an invaluable resource for all IB Psychology teachers. The site provides up to date studies and relevant material in the current news. It has become my go-to source for IB specific materials.

Graham Samson, Exeter College (United Kingdom)

I highly recommend any IB Mathematics teacher who is seeking expert guidance on how best to teach either Standard Level or Higher Level Mathematics in today's classroom to subscribe to the InThinking website. It is an invaluable resource for both...

Mike Murray, Dubai American Academy (United Arab Emirates)

I have used several of the resources on this site! In addition, the site organization has helped me to better grasp how to organize my coursework... I wish I had more free time to search on the site! I'm grateful that our school paid the subscription...

Kathi Kahoun, Worthington Kilbourne High School (USA)

Ich finde den Subject Site sehr wertvoll und greife sehr oft darauf zurück. Vor allem finde ich es toll, dass alles sehr übersichtlich aufgebaut ist: Alles ist auf einem Fleck und man muss nicht herumsuchen. Deine Tipps für die einzelnen Assessments...

Beatrix Langbauer, Graz International Bilingual School (Austria)