Physics makes it into wedding speech

Saturday 5 August 2017

My daughter got married yesterday to a former student of mine, Gustav. Josie was also in my physics class, but not the same one as Gustav. They first met in the climbing room rather than the classroom. The guests included a fair number of former students so it seemed appropriate to refresh their physics knowledge. My, father of the bride speech was basically funny stories about how Josie is lucky to be alive with a father who has a warped sense of danger. Here's the physics bit.

"When Josie was very little we took her to a party and someone sat on her. At one year of age she loved it when I would throw her as high as I could. I was going to throw a small child as high as I could to see how high that would be but I’m not as strong as I was. she weighed about 10 kg at the time I could do 30 pull ups in a minute, that’s about 300 W which if used to throw 10 kg upwards in 1s would raise Josie 3m."

There are some dubious assumptions in this calculation but the result is about right.

Tags: random

Air con?
15 Jul 2017