Interactive textbook

Thursday 22 July 2021

After all my experimenting with interactive video and presentations I came to the conclusion that the most efficient form is text + animation interspersed with questions. Well we already have the text and animations in the "study guide" so all that needs to be done is to add questions to test and reinforce understanding. Introducing the thinkib Interactive text book .

The questions are specifically written to make sure the student has read the text properly and understood the concepts described. They are generally not difficult so shouldn't detract from the flow of the text.

I have to say that I am quite pleased with the result. The text is brief and to the point but engaging and often funny. The addition of multiple choice questions will turn this into a great resource. If you set the pages as tasks, using the student access system, you will be able to monitor your students progress.

On completion of each page students can be directed to the relevant problems and multiple choice questions found elsewhere on the site

So far I have added questions to the following pages, take a look.

Interactive text book: Measurement and uncertainty 

Interactive textbook: Displacement and velocity 

Interactive textbook: Acceleration 

Interactive textbook: Graphs of motion 

Interactive textbook: Projectiles 

Interactive text book: Forces