
Sunday 24 October 2021

ThinkIB Physics was initially written (starting in 2011!) for teachers. It was perhaps best-known for its Individual Investigation resources and the hundreds of practical ideas and tests.

All of this has been retained, but in the 10 years since we've added plenty of pages for students to use directly.

With almost half of ThinkIB Physics schools now using Student Access with their classes, we'd love to gather your views on how the site is organised.

For example, would you like to see:

  1. Everything for a given topic gathered together (optimising ease for teachers finding stuff from the homepage) - like this example for Circular Motion?

  1. Separate locations on the site for students and teachers (optimising functionality for students)? We would create 'chapters' for students so they could easily find everything for a given topic, a bit like StudyIB, but all the lesson plans and other teacher notes would stay in the teacher section.
  2. A complete reshuffle with resources organised by type (optimising the ease of setting tasks)? At present, this is how our Study Guide and Activities are presented.

More broadly, how are things? Time for another virtual coffee event?

Comments welcome!

No man's land
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I give up
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