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  • 27 April 2024
    John Crane
    Research designs
    Dear TomThat is correct.   The repeated measures does not need random allocation to conditions because all participants take part in all conditions.  Therefore, it is a true experiment.
  • 27 April 2024
    John Crane
    Writing samples: Cognitive
    Dear JoannaOnly the questions listed on the site (with potential slight variation of wording) could be asked on the exam.  Ethics may not be asked for those two extensions. 
  • 27 April 2024
    John Crane
    Do's and don'ts for SAQs
    Dear OliviaIf the student has identified a cognitive bias and explained (or described, depending on the command term) it well, the student could earn up to 5 marks.  However, if the question is "Describe one study of one cognitive bias,"...
  • 27 April 2024
    Tom Rosevear
    Research designs
    Dear John, A student asks the following question: Do repeated measures designs where there is an IV and DV count as true experiment or quasi experiment? I feel that the repeated measures design (where there is an IV and DV -- aren't this...