Subscriber commentsSee all

  • 20 May 2024
    John Crane
    LP 1: Memory and the brain
    Dear SamSure.  As long as they explain the use of the MRI.
  • Dear AbenaSchema theory is one of the models that may be described.  If they have described schema theory as the model and linked to reconstructive memory, then they are fine.  If they only described the study, then maybe up to four...
  • 20 May 2024
    John Crane
    Cultural dimensions
    Dear Leon,Yes, that study is fine for cultural dimensions.  It could also be used for research methods.  Not sure that it could be used for anything else.
  • Dear Hend,The question will never ask for more than one since the subject guide says they must know only one neurotransmitter and one hormone. The question will always be "one or more."And yes, for evolutionary theory, Wedekind's study is fine.